Puppy Training


Picture of dalmatian puppies playing on a slide

Puppy Training

Training a Puppy is not very difficult it just takes a little bit of knowledge and a great deal of patience. The training element which probably is the most daunting is the Housetraining of puppies, frequently referred to as puppy potty training for obvious reasons!


Training a Puppy - Potty Training - House Training - Crate Training - Socialization
Training a Puppy is not difficult it just takes a little bit of knowledge and a lot of patience. The training element which probably is the most daunting is Housetraining puppies more frequently referred to as puppy potty training! Puppy crate training is another form of training that people are interested in - after all everyone wants a good nights sleep! Training a puppy to climb stairs, to socialize with other animals or people, accepting a collar and lead and finally good puppy training will include developing puppy manners in relation to chewing, barking and biting. These are the main elements to be targeted when considering puppy training. The main points to remember are to stay calm at all times and totally consistent with your puppy training techniques.

Puppy Potty Training
Puppy House Training or puppy potty training - not an unusual reference as puppy training can have many similarities to raising a new born baby! Remember that a dog who has undergone puppy potty training will never have 'accidents' as it becomes older. A dog who has undergone puppy potty training will only mess in the home due to illness or is forced to do so because he has not been allowed outside.

Puppy Potty Training Tips

  • Establish good habits as soon as possible
  • Don't expect immediate results
  • A dog's Puppy Potty Training cannot be expected to be complete and the puppy reliable until at least 6 months of age
  • Decide on a toilet area for your puppy
  • Take the puppy to the area at least once every hour at the start of the Puppy Potty Training
  • Ensure that the puppy is fed at regular times ranging from 4 to 2 times per day depending on the age of the puppy
  • Do not allow the puppy to feed other than at his regular meal times
  • The puppy will start a natural toilet pattern which relates to his feeding pattern
  • Do not leave your puppy on its own outside
  • Give your puppy lots of praise when he succeeds in your Puppy Potty Training requirements
  • If it is unavoidable and you must leave a puppy unattended make sure he has a toilet area in the home or is left in a safe outside area
  • The home toilet area should in no way resemble the normal home flooring - carpets , rugs, tiles, linoleum or hardwood - the puppy must be able to distinguish an acceptable area
  • Remember that in warm weather a puppy will drink more than usual and therefore need access to his toilet area more frequently

Puppy Crate Training
Using a puppy crate for your new pup is a good idea. The sleeping , or non-sleeping habits of a new puppy can completely disrupt the family. It is not unusual for the whole family to be kept awake by a whining young puppy - enthusiasm for the new pup decreases and frustration sets in! Good Puppy Crate Training can help to avoid this distressing situation

Puppy Crate Training Tips

  • Puppies tend to sleep for at least 14 hours per day
  • Make the crate comfortable
  • Make the crate a desirable place to be - give the puppy a small treat when he goes to the crate to sleep and you close the door
  • For a new, young puppy, who has been moved from its mother and littermates, life can be very unsettling and strange. Try to obtain a familiar cloth or cover from the breeder in order to comfort the puppy
  • Place the 'comfort cloth' in the puppy crate
  • Place a selection of safe, soft chew toys in the crate
  • Do not put a sleeping puppy in a puppy crate - it will wake up feeling frightened and ultimately will become scared of the crate
  • The puppy crate should only be used for sleeping. If it is used as a place to send a puppy as a disciplinary measure the puppy will not view it as a safe and secure haven
  • The puppy should not be disturbed whilst he is in the puppy crate - make sure the children are aware of this rule
  • Do not succumb to the temptation of taking a whining puppy to bed with you
  • Place the puppy crate next to your bed and soothe him by stroking him - the puppy will not feel frightened and alone and will understand sleeping from your own example
  • Do not leave your puppy whining in the crate for long periods - he will come to believe that this is normal behaviour when in his crate
  • If your puppy needs to go to the toilet area at night then arrange for this as quickly and quietly as possible. It is definitely not to be used an excuse for an extra playtime!
  • The puppy will only use the puppy crate for sleeping when he is young
  • When you feel he is ready transfer him to a dog bed
  • The Puppy crate will then only be put in use when you are travelling with the puppy or when your puppy is suffering from any form of anxiety

Introducing Your Puppy to Collar, Leash and Stairs
Introducing your puppy to his collar and leash and the stairs can be a challenge. However, if your puppy is trained properly it will be simple, satisfying and successful.

Training Puppy to Climb Stairs
A puppy will not naturally be able to climb stairs he will need to be trained to perform this task. Stairs can be extremely daunting for a young puppy.

Puppy Training Tips - Climbing Stairs

  • The old saying " One step at a time" should be applied when training a puppy to climb stairs
  • Encourage the puppy to try to climb up one step
  • Praise the puppy when successful
  • When the puppy has managed to climb up a stair the repeat the process to train her to go down a stair
  • The confidence of the puppy will slowly increase
  • When the puppy is happy going up and down one stair the repeat the routine but this time going up and down two stairs
  • Never force a puppy just keep building the confidence levels of the pup

Dog photograph


Puppy Training Tips - Accepting a collar and leash
Training Puppy to Accept His Collar is not difficult. It is however an extremely strange and bewildering sensation for a puppy.

  • Choke collars are strictly for obedience training purposes
  • A collar with a buckle is the most suitable for a growing puppy
  • Place the collar on the puppy making quite sure that it fits correctly and securely
  • The puppy will initially react to the collar by jumping, rolling and pawing at it. This only lasts for a very short amount of time ( a couple of hours)
  • Completely ignore the reactions of the puppy to the collar - resist the temptation to soothe or even laugh at the puppy and do not discipline the puppy. Simply leave the puppy to get used to the collar
  • As soon as the puppy is comfortable with the collar attach the leash
  • Allow the puppy to get used to the leash indoors in the surroundings in which he feels safe and secure
  • Watch the puppy and his reactions to the leash
  • Only attach the leash for a few minutes at a time
  • To allow the puppy to associate the leash with a pleasurable experience the leash can be attached at mealtimes
  • When the puppy is used to the leash pick up the other end - let the puppy lead you
  • Never pull or drag the puppy by the leash
  • As soon is the puppy is comfortable inside then take him on the leash to the yard where he is familiar with the surroundings
  • The final process is to take the puppy on walks of gradually increasing distances

Puppy Training Tips - Whining, Howling, Barking Puppy
A Whining, Howling or Barking Puppy causes distress to everyone. Just as in the case of a human baby the puppy will only make these noises for a reason. Your job is to find out exactly what is causing the problem if you ignore it will be come a lifetime habit! Makes sure your puppy is comfortable check whether the pup is:

  • Hungry
  • Thirsty
  • Frightened
  • Sick
  • Wants his or her toy
  • Too hot or too cold
  • The pup needs to relieve itself
  • The pup has soiled its crate or bed
  • Ensure that your puppy is used to spending time alone.


A puppy can whine, howl or bark just to get its own way. Do not submit to doggy blackmail, ensure that all of the puppys needs are met teach the puppy that this form of behaviour is unacceptable

Puppy Training - Socialization
A well trained puppy is one who has good manners and is able to interact with other animals and different people. Socialization is therefore an important element in puppy training. Refining a puppys social skills will make for a confident dog who is able to cope with a variety of strange situations.


Puppy Training

Puppy Training Tips - Socialization

  • Ensure that puppies have been raised by the breeder with other people and especially children
  • Make sure that your puppy feels safe and secure at all times
  • Start the socialization process within two weeks of getting your new puppy
  • Invite friends over to meet your puppy including men, women, children, older people and people from a variety of differing ethnic backgrounds. Arrange for the puppy to come into contact with a variety of different animals
  • Introduce your puppy gently to strange or noisy objects such as the TV or vacuum cleaner
  • Ensure your puppy is taken for short and pleasant car rides
  • Introduce your pup to new environments where there are lots of people. Make sure that the pup feels confident and carry him if necessary
  • Accustom your pet to all aspects of the grooming process
  • Make sure that your puppy does not become over tired with these activities

As we said at the beginning Training a Puppy is not difficult it just takes a little bit of knowledge and a lot of patience! Enjoy every day with your puppy - its only a year before it becomes a full grown adult dog!!

Puppy Care
Puppy Behavior, Growth & Development Rates

Choosing a Dog
Dog Vaccinations


Dog & Puppy Names

Dog Names & Breeds Site Index Puppies
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