Puppy & Dog Vaccinations


Puppy & Dog Vaccinations

Vaccinations are the most effective preventative measure you can take to reduce the lightly-hood of your dog catching a serious or life threatening disease!

Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Prevention is Better than Cure
Canine vaccinations are the most important preventative measure you can take to reduce the risk of disease in your pet. Many diseases can be fatal so it is imperative that a Vaccination program is carefully considered together with a Health Care Schedule for your puppy or dog. Canine diseases are transmitted via contact with a virus or bacteria.



The vaccinations for canine diseases are explained in some detail below but you have the choice of deciding which canine vaccinations are appropriate for your individual dog or puppy with one exception - it is mandatory in the US for dogs to have a vaccination for rabies. Your choice will depend on risk factors associated with your dog's health, lifestyle and environment. Once these decisions have been made you can formulate a Vaccination Schedule.

Puppy & Dog Disease Information - Vaccinations available
Your dog can be immunized for the following diseases:

RabiesAttacks the nervous system and brainFatal. Can be transmitted to people
Canine ParvovirusDiarrhea and vomitingHighly contagious. Can be fatal to puppies
Canine DistemperNasal and eye discharge, twitching, coughing, diarrhea, vomiting and seizuresCan be fatal. Virus carried by air.
ParainfluenzaRespiratory problemsHighly contagious. Can be fatal to puppies
Canine HepatitisLiver problemsTransmitted by other infected animals
Canine Bordetella
( Kennel Cough)
Respiratory problems - coughTransmitted by other infected animals
LeptospirosisVaried can include fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea or no symptomsTransmitted by other infected animals. Can be transmitted to people
Lyme diseaseLethargy, inflamed jointsTransmitted via an infected tick
CoronavirusDiarrhea and lethargyTransmitted by other infected animals

Immunization the most important preventative measure you can take to reduce the risk of disease in your pet. The cost of vaccinations can be obtained from your local Canine Health Advisor. Planning an individual vaccination schedule tailor-made to requirements of your dog or puppy can reduce the cost of vacinations as no dog will require all of the vaccinations which are available.  It is mandatory in the US for dogs to have a vaccination for rabies.

Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - A Dog & Puppy Vaccination Schedule
No dog requires every single canine vaccine that is available. Tailor a Vaccination Plan to suit your puppy or dog by conducting a simple Risk Assessment - consider your answers to the following questions and this will help you to formulate your own ideas for an individual Dog or Puppy Vaccination plan and schedule. Address these questions to each of the canine diseases for which your dog or puppy may be vaccinated:

  • What age are the dogs most at risk from the disease?
  • Are certain breeds of dogs are most at risk from the disease?
  • Ease of transmission to other dogs?
  • Is there potential for transmission of the disease to people?
  • Is there a high mortality rate associated with the disease?
  • Will the life style of your puppy or dog increase the risk of contracting the disease?
  • Current health status of your dog and any medications?
  • What is the vaccination history of your puppy or dog?

Take time out to consider the above questions and you will be ready to discuss some informed ideas with your Vet. Your Veterinary Surgeon will be pleased that you have taken the trouble and will provide you with his/her professional advice, opinion and recommendations on immunization for your dog or puppy.

Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Core and Non-Core Vaccinations
The trend towards planning an individual immunization program for Dog and Puppy vaccinations have lead to the process of dividing vaccinations into two groups:

  • Canine Core Vacinations - vaccines recommended for administration to all dogs
  • Canine Non-Core Vacinations - recommended for only those dogs at risk due to anticipated health problems or whose lifestyle or environment gives rise to a reasonable risk of exposure

Puppy & Dog Core Vaccinations - What are they?
Examples of the Core Vaccinations include vaccines against:

  • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
  • Hepatitis
  • Canine Parvovirus
  • All US dogs must be protected against Rabies

Dog photograph


There are combination vaccines such as the Four in One vaccine which includes protection from the viral diseases of Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza and Parvovirus.

Puppy & Dog Non-Core Vaccinations - What are they?
Examples of the Non-Core Vaccinations include vaccines against:

  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • Parainfluenza
  • Lyme Disease
  • Leptospirosis

Puppy & Dog Vaccinations Information - How do Pet Vaccinations actually work?
Pets and people have vaccinations but how many of us actually know how they work?

  • A vaccination mimics the process of the disease
  • A weakened form of the virus is injected into the body
  • The immune system is triggered into producing antibodies
  • Antibodies protect the body against the disease
  • The body remembers the virus
  • The body will better respond to future exposure to the virus
  • More, appropriate antibodies will be produced

Canine Dog Health - Information and Care Checklist
As the saying goes prevention is better than cure and detecting early signs of any potential dog health problems will obviously help to ensure the well being of your dog or puppy. Basic observation of a dog or puppy will alert its owner to changes in the normal behavior of the dog and that something is amiss. A straightforward check of the dog will help to confirm any suspicions of ill health. We have therefore provided a simple
Dog Health Care Checklist to assist in this process.


Puppies, Vaccinations & Wormers
Puppies are especially at risk from various diseases as their immunity is so low. Puppies receive immunity from certain diseases from their mother before weaning, if she has been vaccinated. After weaning, when puppies are eating on their own they need to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Canine Parvovirus is particularly deadly to young puppies. The above info on creating a Dog Vaccination Plan and schedule with a Veterinary Surgeon will help to ensure the safety of your puppy. It is essential that you are provided with a vaccination history when you purchase a puppy. It is common for puppies to have worms so a basic wormer for Roundworms and Hookworms is recommended with the first vaccinations.

Dog Health Advice
We hope that the canine health information and dog health advice in relation to Puppy & Dog Vaccinations has been of some assistance. Please remember that dog or puppys Vaccination Plan should be created in consultation with your Canine Health Specialist.


Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Prevention - Available - Immunized - Immunization - Vaccination Schedule - Core - Non-Core - Vaccines - Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) - Hepatitis - Canine Parvovirus - Rabies - Wormers - Care Checklist - Facts - Common Canine Dog Health Problems - Health Care Checklist - Questions - Advice - Preventing - Prevention - Issues - Description - Symptoms - Causes - Treatment - Canine - Dog - Dogs - Puppy - Symtoms - Puppies - Vaccinations - Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Prevention - Available - Immunized - Immunization - Vaccination Schedule - Core - Non-Core - Vaccines - Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) - Hepatitis - Canine Parvovirus - Rabies - Wormers - Care Checklist - Facts - Common Canine Dog Health Problems - Health Care Checklist - Questions - Advice - Preventing - Prevention - Issues - Description - Symptoms - Causes - Treatment - Canine - Dog - Dogs - Puppy - Symtoms - Puppies - Vaccinations - Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Prevention - Available - Immunized - Immunization - Vaccination Schedule - Core - Non-Core - Vaccines - Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) - Hepatitis - Canine Parvovirus - Rabies - Wormers - Care Checklist - Facts - Common Canine Dog Health Problems - Health Care Checklist - Questions - Advice - Preventing - Prevention - Issues - Description - Symptoms - Causes - Treatment - Canine - Dog - Dogs - Puppy - Symtoms - Puppies - Vaccinations - Puppy & Dog Vaccinations - Prevention - Available - Immunized - Immunization - Vaccination Schedule - Core - Non-Core - Vaccines - Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) - Hepatitis - Canine Parvovirus - Rabies - Wormers - Care Checklist - Facts - Common Canine Dog Health Problems - Health Care Checklist - Questions - Advice - Preventing - Prevention - Issues - Description - Symptoms - Causes - Treatment - Canine - Dog - Dogs - Puppy - Symtoms - Puppies - Vaccinations - Written By Linda Alchin